Tenant (2025) (Tamil) Full Movie TamilGun


Tenant (2025)
 IMDB Rating:

9.0/10 from 1,000 votes

  Original Name:


Mystery Thriller

 Starring by:

Chandana Payyavula Megha Chowdhury Satyam Rajesh

 Directed by:

Y Yungandhar







 Story Plot: Set against the backdrop of contemporary Hyderabad, Tenant unravels a chilling mystery involving Goutam and his wife, Sandhya. The narrative picks up pace when Goutam is apprehended by the police under mysterious circumstances—caught burning a body near a village on the Bengaluru highway. As the story unfolds, it becomes intertwined with another incident involving Rishi and his girlfriend Shravani, which took place in the same community. The movie builds suspense, layering twists as the investigating officer (Ester Noronha) digs deeper, attempting to connect the dots between the two cases.
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